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Sunday, July 30, 2006


When things get shitty I just wanna scream. Can't stand it when I have to deal with selfish people. Especially selfish people that lie to you on top of it. Being vague? Because I have to protect the privacy of the shitty selfish liars out there, because they have rights too, I suppose...I'm trying my best to do what's right, and it's not easy...

That's all I can say because otherwise I will start to get all specific, and really I just needed a moment to rage and rant in a public way because I am one frustrated and sad little AStink lately. And to top it off, I've been showering on a near daily basis, being a total traitor to the stink, if you will...but tomorrow I'll break the cleanliness cycle, and not shower before I'm off to the gym to work off some of my pain, and to sweat out some of the salt that keeps running out of my eyes, and not from my pores, like I'd prefer it to be...Sick of's just exhausting, really...Looking forward to happy days in the future, and like my good buddy in New Mexico always tells me, and I've quoted him before here on the blog...He says, "Shiny side up. Always, always."

All this stress has got me down to officially losing 15lbs. though, and for the first time in over 7 years, I fit into a pair of one of my kick ass Rebecca Danenberg, slim fit pants that I used to stomp around the Big Apple in. How happy am I that I hung on to all of those great pants? See? Designer stuff rocks, and you should hold onto the stuff you really love, cuz sooner or comes back into style.

On that note...Have a good night Stinkerdoos.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

This is Bjorn...and Agneta...and Dag

Like many, many women out there...I too fall victim to the old habit of, "When something changes dramatically in your life, change your hairstyle too..." thing.

For instance...way back in my senior year in college, I had some long ass, spiral permed hair, pointed black toed skull buckled boots, a painted biker jacket, lots of black liquid eyeliner, and a boyfriend named Steve. Well, when Steve and I bit the dust, I grabbed my magazine with Linda Evangelista on the cover, headed to New Haven, showed my hairdresser...and boom. No more hair! Boy cut city all the way...the two comic book obsessed guys that sat next to me in my studio drawing class back on campus didn't even recognize me.
Shit, did that take forever and a day to grow out...

When I was preggers with my first son, and exploded to a whopping 60 lbs over my starting weight, I also lopped off 6 inches of hair and had the stylist ship it off to Locks of Love. Big mistake...made the bloated tick look I had going on even more apparent. Plus...the hairstylist I went to totally SUCKED so the cut was just awful. (I won't even get into the time a hairdresser gave me a fucking Winona Ryder in BeetleJuice hair cut...that one made me actually cry in her chair before I even left the salon! How's that for an indicator of whether or not your client liked the haircut you just gave them? Open sobbing...nice work!)

My hair has always been some sort of indicator of my current life style...I've had just about every style under the sun...straight, spiked, curly asymmetrical, bangs, no bangs, shaved, long, light, dark, and every color in between...and now that I am 39, and going through another unexpected least I have remained consistent...I colored my hair the other evening...

What sort of prompted the change was when I was watching a pod on Currentv the other night, and I saw a shot of all these young Japanese trend-mongers milling about in Shibuya, and realized that I had achieved the same "I'm Asian and I have orange hair" look that many of them had...especially the men...Yuck, no thanks...don't want to blend in...happy in my individuality, thank you very much. So off to the store I went to pick up a nice, Angelina Jolie brown to cover up all the fried, frizzle blonde stuff running down my back like a horse's tail.

Back at the house with two boxes of Feria's "Havana Brown" and I'm ready to go...Now, I have been dying my hair for decades, no problem, but let me tell you...It was a total clusterF in the bathroom that night! There was brown blotch and splotch ALL OVER the place. It looked like an OoMpa LoOmpa came in and exploded all over the place in a massive chocolate attack. It got to the point where I was getting dizzy from the fumes, and to top it off...for the FIRST TIME EVER, I managed to get the shit in my eye! What the heck???? Burnt like acid, and had to rip off the gloves to stop all the mess I was making to save my eyesight and unglue my brown stained contact lens out of my left eyeball. ....sigh...

The next day I woke up, looked in the mirror, and to my surprise...I kinda liked how it came out! A bit redder than I had hoped, but eh, I could go darker the next time 'round, no?...NO. No such luck...later that day I happened to grab a mirror to look at the back side of my head, and realized that I had missed an entire square section of hair smack dab in the middle of my horse's tail...It was this blonde-ish, greenish patch of hair that was so obviously missed. All I could think was "...shiiiiiit". I can't let this go unfixed!

Back to the store...a different store mind you, because it's all I had time allotted for before my dentist appointment, and my babysitter time ran out...Grabbed a box of Garnier Medium Brown, came home, and got busy. I was very, very, very careful this time, and completely saturated my hair this time. Well, ladies and gents, it worked, and I didn't burn my eye, and it is a nice shade of brown...and from now on y'all can just call me Astinkelina Jolie...I told Cstink that I'm going to start adopting children from around the world, and she said I should do the reverse and start collecting kids from developed countries...hehehe..."And, this is Lars, and Sven, and Gunther, and Johan..." HEY! There are underpriveledged kids in Switzerland and Sweden too, ya know! Sheesh! hahaha...

Okay, that's all I got for you stinkers...the laptop's getting hot on my legs and I gots to wake up early tomorrow to get to Pilates on time before all the reformers get taken! (CStink...See you there!) Peace!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Okay, I have officially had to reset my Blogger password 3 times...this whole life upheaval that I have been going thru lately has most obviously affected my memory. As of today, I've lost 13 lbs from working out faithfully, and from being completely stressssssssed. I guess in some of the fat loss, I've also managed to lose brain cells.

I'm in the midst of starting my own company too...a fashion stylist/image consultant biz, and I am excited about that...yay! I'm also going to take a real estate class to go for my license...AND, I've gotten my voice over reel updated and already done a demo at a local recording studio for a possible gig...yup...das right...AStink's inching her way back into the working world...slowly but surely! So...if in the next few find yourself needing an image consultant, or need a female voice over talent...or want to buy a house...just give me a holler, yo! hehehe... Peace out.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

It's been so long since I blogged that I actually forgot my password...
I've been MIA because things have been OOC. (out of control)
I have seen and gone thru so much crap lately that I have a year's worth of entry material, but all of it's still private and too new and raw and emotional to talk about. All I can say is that a new chapter in my life, and the life of my family has unfolded, and I want to thank CStink for being such an amazing friend thru all of this, and for all her understanding, support, patience, wit, charm, empathy, and humor during my insane in the membrane existence. Thanks for putting up with me!!! You are truly a wonderful friend. And, for any of my buddies that may be reading and aware of the roller coaster ride that I have been on lately,...thank you to you to0, for all of your love and support. Peace out.

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