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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Pink Thingy Redux...

So tonight, we're sitting at the dinner table, the boys using their plastic farm animal, one piece chopsticks to eat with...and bigstinkpup looks at the cow on top of his chopsticks, and says...
"Hey...his pink thingy is supposed to be pink, and it's NOT.
You know the pink thingy...I mean...the gutter..."

God, do I love him so much, and I am ever so thankful for the joyous moments he gives me everyday!

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Cstink and I have each gone out and gotten ourselves some fab new false eyelashes from MAC. You see...we are both gearing up to take the world by storm, and we need to batt them lashes, big time! Having NEVER worn them before, I must say, they went on very easily and make a noticeable difference! I was pretty intimidated, yet so girlishly overjoyously thrilled with the results!

The only thing is if you wear the full eye length versions, and your eyes are two different shapes, the difference will be enhanced, and you'll end up looking like a wonky Phillis Diller...

So just a little shout out to my gal Kim who helped me prepare for the tv shoot. Thank you so much for all your help! From the tips of my lashes to the bottom o' my heart! Also, a thanks to me blogmate Cstink for being so great at the shoot, and for standing on a wind whipped rooftop in the freezing balls ass cold for two hours while we shot standups, and even worse, my 20thousand takes inside the echoey lobby..."Evidence of the rich history..." doh! Thanks again for being there!

ps...i had pics to illustrate, but this new blogger format has me all messed up. will add later!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

pink thingy...

whoah...taken out of context, that sounds pretty dir-tayyy! pink's actually quite benign and cute...once you know its origins.

see, my stinkpuppies and i were driving past our local dairy farm...(i know, i know...) and in the summer time, it usually elicits a yell from my older pup for everyone to plug our noses " 'cuz it STINKS!". but, being as it's january, and the windows are all closed, we can wind by the fields and gaze at the bovine beauties in all their methane gas producing, cud chomping, grazing. lolly-gagging, meandering wonderfulness.

Well, this recent jaunt past the farm, i wondered allowed where my "favorite how-now-brown cow" might be, as i didn't see it. (we all have our favorite cow) and bigstinkpup says, "Maybe it's getting milked." to which 3 yr. old juniorstinkpup replied: "...that's not very nice." and i said, "its not a bad thing...for a cow to get milked. but you shouldn't drink it straight from the has to be cleaned up through a process called...pasteurizaaaation and homogenizaaation."
(dork, dork, dorky me.) and 6 yr old bigstinkpup says, "yeah, they take it into the barn, squeeze the milk from the pink thingy, and...that's it!" I cracked up! He had no idea what he said that could possibly have elicited a laugh from me..."it's called an udder." i said..."Oh..." and a round of giggles abounded from all.

see? cute! just like i said.

that is...unless you look at this:


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