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Saturday, October 14, 2006

Stinkmums...still not showering...and apparently, not blogging either!

Let's catch us all up, shall we? Cstink's taking a screenwriting course, and you will all one day be privvy to her confessions of a genius mind when tuning into her show on tv...or the big screen...whichever comes first...I am still reeling from my separation and trying to figure out a way to make life work up here in our little Utopia/Oasis here in NeverNeverland...both of us have begun steady rotation at the stinkpups' school campus for pick up and drop off...recently got the driver's side window fixed on my Disco, after having driven around for about a month with the window duct taped shut so it wouldn't fall open while I drove! It was so ghetto, and very funny pulling up to school and having to open the door to give my kid's name to the pick up least the tape was black and matched the door frame, so there was SOME blending. It just so happened that I had black duct tape because....well...I don't do anything by the book style wise, and that also somehow involves my choice in duct tape...that, and it reminds me of gaffer's tape, which harkens me back to my days working in tv. speaking of harkening back, I had the chance to hang with two of my sweet, sweet, buddies last weekend, and I have never been so happy to see them. getting back to the car window...i also cut off a few feet of hair a couple weeks ago, so now no longer have to worry about closing my hair in the car door or window while driving. The lady totally jackie channed my head with shears and it took a couple of intense sessions of me fixing it over the bathroom sink with my own shears to get it somehow less chainsaw massacred...and now am having to part it on the side to hide the assymetrical botch job.'s only hair, right? Cstink told me that her hair reeks of rotten Cheerios, which I think is HI-larious, and so oddly keenly descriptive that it makes me want to sample it in person to see if she is right! But since neither of us have been going to pilates lately, and have only been able to wave at eachother like two discos passing in the twilight, alas, I shall have to forego the rotten cheerio smell. will have to ask Kuukie if it's an accurate description! okay, that's all i got for yous...or shall i say ...YOU. if we even have our one reader left! HULLO?! is anybody out there?


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