AAAAR-R-R, Matey's!!!
Phew! I am waving the StinkFlag high and mighty today, boyeeee!!! BigStinkPup's on his second day home sick from school, so why even bother to shower?...sheee-yat!
Yesterday was nutty here though, let me tell you. Mutiny on the stinkship amongst the stinkpups...they were totally bugging the crap out of eachother and I had to stage so many interventions over toy struggles that I felt like jumping overboard...The whole, "Try to work it out amongst yourselves" approach failed miserably as neither one of them would give in. I keep warning BigStinkPup not to use brute force on BabyStinkPup too...I say..."You know...He may be bigger than you one day...Then what are you going to do?" He just looks at me blankly because his 5 year old perception of the future can't fully grasp the concept, and I can almost see the thought bubble over his head as he envisions BabyStinkPup to be this enlarged version of his exact 2 year old self, like the giant baby in the movie, "Honey, I Blew Up The Kids." Sigh...
Okay, moving cousin called me the other day as said, "Guess who came to my yoga class today?" I had no idea...I'm guessing Phillip Seymour Hoffman, (whom we both adore), to Adam Yauch, (whom I also adore...he has the coolest speaking voice, and when he says words like, Milarepa, I melt in a puddle into my shoes) to, I have no idea so tell me!!! It was Shalom Harlow. She said the class was completely filled, and Shalom ended up right next to her. Um...I'm sorry, but if Shalom ever came into my yoga class and plopped her willowy self down on a mat next to me I'd probably have to leave because I would feel like Jabba the Hut trying to do downward facing dog with her right there in my view. I'm not knocking her, as she's a nice gal. A beloved friend of mine invited her to come to see a Beck/Cibo Matto show at the Supper Club...(One of my top ten best concerts seen...that was a very long time ago--we're talking "Odelay" album...oh and BTW, Cibo Matto --see pic.-- should win an award for Cutest Band Ever...) I walked with her before the show started to get a cup of coffee...I'm not kidding when I tell you that I felt like a pug on a leash walking next to yoga classes with Shalom on my "things I want to do" list. Thanks...
So that's all I've got for you today, Stinkeroos...Yeah, I know...Sorry about the NOT exactly mind blowing Pulitzer prize winning material. CStink's visiting with her mumma, "the Buddhist Nun superhero", as she so wonderfully called her! --So awesome! But never fear, we will hear from her soon and she can rescue us all from my simple minded blah-blah-blah's that I've been posting about lately. Until then, Ciao for now!
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