Props to a StinkMoss
StinkMums love themselves some Kate Moss, BIGTIME! She is The One. Check out this picture of her in the latest Nikon ads taken from a NYTimes article on little Ms. Moss:
Clothed, unclothed, straight, sober, mess in a dress, modeling, singing, acting, dj'ing...she can do no wrong in our eyes. We were discussing her today, and as CStink aptly put it, she always, always gets it right. I said how her crooked teeth, slightly lazy eye, and almost bowed legs only serve to endear her to me even more. The only thing that got me thinking, "Huh...don't get it..." about her was her attraction to Pete Doherty...It just didn't seem to add up, those two...they didn't look or feel right together...
in a Bennifer kind of strain (as in Lopez Ben/Jen, not Garner). I don't pics together he just looks really...just...kind of...lucky, I guess. Going to have to give the Libertines and Babyshambles another go 'round to see if I can maybe get it from an artistic point of view, 'cuz I certainly am not getting it visually! (She's looking very Stinkmum-ish, in this pic to the right, mucking thru the mud in her Wellies...which BTW, I have been asking Mr. BigStink to buy me for the past year and a half and still have yet to receive in British accent: "The bloody daft fool!") Anyway, our KM must've seen something in him...I've given merit to some seriously fugly men in my time...outwardly and inwardly fugly...with no real rhyme or reason...I chalk it up to my own youthful stupidity. She too is, afterall, only human, like the rest of us...just in this fabulous, untouchable, infallible, yet identifiable kind of way. I have seen her more than a few times backstage and on the runway, and let me tell you, she is even MORE beautiful in person. (So is Naomi.)

To me, her days with Johnny D., my love and male The One, were a dead on perfect match. It only makes sense that my two favorites make an ideal couple. I mean, Vanessa Paradis is very stylish and interesting to look at, but she's too, too skinny-minnie lately...I digress...back to our beloved Kate...
After years of adoring her, I love that she's a mum now...little baby Kate/Lila Grace with papa Jefferson Hack...
My only questions now are...How often is she showering now that she's a mum...and...How many Disco's does she own? (At income levels exceeding 9Million a year, the question's not whether she owns a Disco...but how many...) She could very well be a StyleMum AND a Stinkicon!
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