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Monday, April 10, 2006

Beautiful And Creepy, All At Once

I’m standing in the bathroom at the sink, and I see in the mirror that my roots are getting very long…and I see my usual crop of greys starting to pop up again. So I grab a tweezer and start to weed them out. I snag one and take a look at it and think, “Holy shit, that’s a long piece of hair.” Being the punkass dork that I am, I get a nerdy compulsion to know exactly how long it is, and get tape measure out and see that it is 25.5” long. My total height is only 64”, so if I don’t get a haircut soon, I could potentially achieve Cousin It status within a year or so…

We live in a pretty remote, summer community and quite a few of the year-rounders here are very interesting to say the least. There’s a vast range of incomes in the town, and it’s often quite apparent at the small local grocery market. In the parking lot it’s pickups and Porsches…tractors and Mercedes. You get to see some really great salty dogs at the market…the kind that make me wish I had a camera on me to capture their greatness…like the sunburnt, wire-haired, wooly bearded guy who wears only overalls, and has a piece of driftwood tied with rope to his truck that he uses as a running board to get climb in. The StinkPups said he looked like Santa… Then there’s this man I saw just once…it was so great…He had grey hair and wore a tweed blazer with his pants tucked into a pair of mud-caked Wellies, like he’d just ridden off the stable and into the grocery store parking lot. So unaffected, yet so wonderfully earnest and classic in style! Loved it.

The Pups and I were at the market to pick up some things yesterday when a woman passed by us…I almost fell over when I saw her…she was slim, with a corduroy red button down shirt, and a long, thick grey braid that went down her back and reached to the back of her calves. It swayed back and forth like a horses tail when she walked. It was beautiful and creepy all at once. When I think back on it, I am reminded of the picture of that man in the Guinness Book of World Records that had the record for the longest fingernails…all long, striped, twirly, curly and gnarly! It was fascinating to see, and yet gross at the same time. That’s the feeling I got from seeing this woman’s hair at the market. That being said, I am booking a haircut appointment this week.


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