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Wednesday, April 05, 2006


I was over at Dooce the other day, reading her post about her daughter and how she pronounces the word lotion as shoshun. Very cute! We have little words like that in our house too...provided by our very verbal two year old, BabyStinkPup. He says, wittle for little, and things that require mom-only translations like socka-berry, which I finally deciphered as, chocolate in, "Willy Wonka and the..". Also cute, right? Another one of the words he has yet to grasp proper pronunciation of is the word, spoon. (See where I am going with this one?) He calls it a poon. As in, "I need a poon." or, "I'm getting myself a poon."

It's sound SO inappropriate and yet, hilarious at the same time. I haven't called it to Mr. BigStink's attention, but I have heard him correct babyStinkpup over it...He'll say, "It's a sssssssspoon." And when I've searched Mr.BS's face for some sign of the hilarity, I do think I have seen the shadow of a smirk...but who knows!

Our BigStinkPup used to say die, instead of 'bye when he was two...He would have this big open mouth smile on his face and wave goodbye to people, saying in a deep voice, "Diiiiieeeee." Mr.BS and I used to crack up over this. Shit, we're a morbid crew, aren't we just?

PS...I'm so far out from a shower that I can't quite recall the last time...What day was it? Eh, it doesn't matter. No matter which way you look at it, I stink! I am deluding myself out of the grossness of it all by once again telling myself that I am just doing my part to conserve energy and limited resources by using less hot water out of respect to Mother Earth. Yup...


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