I have two issues of a great magazine called, "
Violet". It's a mag dedicated to, as they put it: "
Modern family living-You've grown up but you haven't grown old"..and meant for those who are parents, but not of the
icky-gooey-ducky- choo-choo train-capture my child's every waking moment in a scrap book-get their photos taken every dumb Hallmark holiday at Walmart-parenting magazine ilk. They have incredible, original artwork and design elements that make each page appear as if a page out of someone's portfolio, and articles that touch on topics that make me want to read the darn thing from cover to cover.
I haven't been able to locate a current issue, so I went to their website to subscribe, and I was bummed to find out that subscriptions are no longer available. I read the Editor's Note (Keki Mingus), which you can read
here, and not surprisingly, I got that tingly, "I can relate" vibe. There are so few good media sources out there that I find appealing...so I find it disappointing when a good one folds... Why do all the creative, innovative mags fall to the wayside? Is it
because they are creative and innovative?
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