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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

My Rockstar Life...

Aaaah, the joys of motherhood...It's days like yesterday and last night that I need to remind myself of the big picture and not get mired down by the shit...and I'm talking literally...the shit! You see, my lil' Rowdy has the runs, and it's reached blow out proportions. So as I'm wiping up, washing down, and changing the 7th diaper in an hour, worrying about keeping him hydrated, and trying to recover from the 3:30AM wake up call he gave me with another blow out from his PJ's onto his mattress...I can't help but feel a bit incredulous over the situations that transpire in my daily life. I mean, it wasn't that long ago that I was attending runway shows in NY and living a life people read about in least, in my mind it wasn't that long ago...even though I am starting to feel a bit fossil-ish...and here I am...a master at pooling poop management.

It's times like this when I am feeling SO NOT glamourous when all I can do is sigh and say to myself with not a touch of, but a big stinking diaper full of irony, " rockstar life!"


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