On The Street

I used to love watching him take pictures around the tents at the fashion shows at Bryant Park and catching glimpses of him around Manhattan. He rides around the city on a classic Schwinn looking bike...can't recall if there's a basket on it or not...and he has this demeanor about him like that of a refined sixties former beat generation dude with his cleanly parted white hair, khaki's, crewneck sweaters and windbreaker car coat...His eye for what's going on style-wise on the streets of the cities around the globe is very keen and I look forward to seeing them every Sunday.
Here's a look at today's edition:

BTW, ...CStink,...Check out the women in the upper right hand corner with the pink Maclaren stroller...Can you imagine us rolling up to school and jumping out of the Discos to load up the kids wearing outfits like those?! Woo-hoo! God, I love Manhattan mums!
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