If you see a tag like this one...you'll know that StinkMums were here...

We are everywhere! You may be standing next to a StinkMum without even knowing it, 'cuz afterall, we're undercoverstinks...always on the move! The best part of being a Stinkmum is that we know how to disguise the stinkfactor. CStink and I may offer a class to the stinkchallenged on how to get away with not showering on a daily basis...how to pass yourself off as clean, so to speak. There's just too much to do in a day to stop and scrub the...whatever's needing to be scrubbed out! Stay tuned...and keep a look out! Coming to a town near YOU.

We are everywhere! You may be standing next to a StinkMum without even knowing it, 'cuz afterall, we're undercoverstinks...always on the move! The best part of being a Stinkmum is that we know how to disguise the stinkfactor. CStink and I may offer a class to the stinkchallenged on how to get away with not showering on a daily basis...how to pass yourself off as clean, so to speak. There's just too much to do in a day to stop and scrub the...whatever's needing to be scrubbed out! Stay tuned...and keep a look out! Coming to a town near YOU.
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