This little piggy...with some socks and a book...

Speaking of feet...I just cast on my very first attempt at socks, and I'm really not sure what I'm in for. Already F'ed them up once and had to frog off 10 rows and start from scratch, but I'm in the groove now, so we shall see...I chose the Knitty Hedera Socks from the current issue as they seem not too too challenging, though I do love a challenge...can't seem to take the easy way when learning something new, which in and of itself is kind of messed up, no?
Let's see if I come down with the ADHD Single Sock Syndrome I've read about on other blogs whereby you get all addicted to sock knitting, but knit only one side, and end up with a bunch of single socks in your drawer...sounds right up my alley. The other challenge seems to be getting the socks to come out the same size...But I'm up for it, I am! More on this thrilling topic later...I'll be sure to send you a tissue to wipe up the boredom drool from your keyboards...
On another exciting note, I finally picked up a copy of The Da Vinci Code. Thought I was about the last person around to be reading it, but the gal at Barnes checkout said she hadn't read it yet either...I held out for a good long while 'cuz I'm not much for jumping on the bandwagon of popular trends, particularly modern fiction because I'm a self-admitted snob and hate to go with the flow...but I knew I would like it by virtue of the subject...and dare I say, I am enjoying it immensely. I am a lover of all things Da Vinci, and also have liked subjects delving into religious history. One of my favorite books is Umberto Eco's The Name of The Rose, and would love to read, Foucault's Pendulum. It is my intention to read it...when I find it that is...It's buried in a box in who knows which state at this point in our nomadic life.
Just like everything else, I am finicky about books...I love to read, yet I have a hard time choosing new ones that I may find interesting. Mostly I stick with the classics or non-fiction/biographies because there just seems to be so much crap out there in contemporary fiction. I have read a few of the chick bestsellers, like Nanny Diaries, Bridget Jones, and Devil Wears Prada, of which were all nice, quick, easy beach reads, but to tell you the truth, with two kids, I don't have the luxury of reading on the beach anymore, so when I do pick something now, I want it to have some real meat on its bones. Because of my shitty ass picky ways, I usually walk out of the bookstore sighing, with a bag of magazines. The last book I read was Brokeback Mountain. It was good. I haven't seen the movie yet...which brings me to my next thing...if a movie is based on a book, I prefer to read the book before seeing the film. This is another reason I chose DaVinci Code, because a movie is in the works. You just, in my lowly opinion, get so much more out of it if you know the story behind it...
Mr. BigStink is not a knitter or a reader, or a blogger, so he's just happy when, after I've finally made my project choice, that I hurry up and finish whatever it is I'm working on, because all of it, in his eyes, are just further detraction and distraction from the daily housework and upkeep of our home. Let me tell you, when Mr. BigStink pulls up in the driveway and dismounts from his horse called Chauvanism, and walks into the house and finds me on the computer or knitting, or can bet AStink's gonna get some kind of annoyed disparaging look or lecture because things have yet to be cleaned up...What can I say...I suck at the domestics, I know! One day I will have my shit day, I promise!
Okay, Mr. Juicy Dumpling Feet Jelly Bean Toes is calling me away from the computer...Have a good one. ---AStink, signing off!
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