The Drool Pool
CStink's lucky...both of her pups are at the "big school" where you just pull up front and the kids hop out of the car and go to their classrooms need to walk them in and put their lunches, coats, and snacks away like in the PreK building. She doesn't have to get out of the Disco, so she could feasibly show up in her jammies if she wanted to! --Not that she would, mind you, and if she did they'd probably be Tocca or Natori, or Calvin, or something equally as fabulous. As for me? I've been known to sport a beat up nightie with old maternity pants for pj's, --so sexy! huh?-- and then wear them with clogs and socks on a cold winter morning 'round the house... the only thing missing is the showercap and housecoat. Actually, I kind of dig those schizophrenic types of outfits. I get a kick out of them for some absurd reason. (Maybe because you're crazy...Who said that??)
Going to go scrub up before lunch...because, believe it or not even StinkMums have their limits. I was thinking that standing under a waterfall would be an appropriate amount of water force to cleanse myself off...and to illustrate that thought, I Googled, waterfall, looking for a pic to post...I got this image back as one of the hits...

I'll leave you today with a quote from Sartre..."If you are lonely when you're alone, you are in bad companyā€¯...Hmmmmmmm...?... Now that's something to gnaw on! Have a great day my Stinkies...This is AStinkmumma--OUT!
--Okay, so I'm back for some further thoughts on the Sartre quote. I left the computer, took a shower, and pondered a bit on the whole topic of loneliness. I am inherently a lonely's always sort of been my credo of self-pity...not in a whiny, woe is me, kind of way...but more sort of just resigned to the fact that I am a loner by nature.
One of the reasons CStink and I get along is because we are cut from the same cloth when it comes to our time...we would both rather spend our time alone than to fill it up with endless amounts of people, just for the sake of having company. It wastes time.
Over the years I have pretty much weeded out those who I felt were masters in the art of time suckage...just pretty much, insignificant, selfish, paranoid, insecure, or just too self-absorbed to know the meaning of unconditional love. I espouse unconditional love and view it as being a rare, yet essential part of surviving this crazy, crazy world! You need to know you are loved no matter what by at least some-one, and in return, that someone knows that you will love them no matter what in return! No weird, neurotic expectations or demands involved...just you accepting them for who they truly are, and vice versa...And, luckily I have unconditional love in my life, and appreciate unceasingly, those who are truly near and dear to my heart. When all the weeding was said and done, I must admit, the numbers of those that made the cut were pretty low indeed...and it just so happens that they are the ones that live the furthest away from me, so I miss them like mad. (You know who you are!) We go for long periods of not being in contact, yet the love never fades, and when we do see one another, we just fall right back into step as if not even a day had passed. THAT's
I tend to, especially at certain times of the month, blend missing my friends with the feelings of loner-dom, and they compound themselves into a solitude frenzy akin to sitting at the bottom of a well. But, I always, always can see the light of the sky when I look up from my pit of despair, and always, always manage to climb out of the funk hole. Like one of my far away buds once said to me, (Whose dog happens to be named Sartre) "Shiny side up...always, always." YES! Thank you for that!!! And, though I may not be keeping the best company with myself, each and everyday, I am who I am by choice, and I must abide by and respect my decisions without what JPSartre said is very true and a good thing to keep reminding myself keep up the momentum of my keep the shiny side up!
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