Square Pegs
Hey Stinkerdoos, Long time no see...We have been toying with the idea of doing an audio post, so that's where our heads have been as of late. Stay tuned for some raucous good Stinkmum fun for the ears. In the meantime...a feast for the eyes...I stumbled onto this artist, Annie Morris, and specifically a body of work of hers called,
"Pegs". Click image to go to site to see more at Artnet.com. When you see the work from afar, it looks almost tapestry...but it is comprised of a series of clothes pins, each of which the artist has illustrated, painted, drawn on...It must have been a huge, painstaking, time consuming effort, and for that alone, I am very impressed, not to mention the amazing outcome. Love it. If you go to the website, you can see a closeup image of the pegs to see her intricate detail. It's not often I see contemporary art that affects, or moves me enough to write about...
On the flipside of things, I am still fully immersed in the book, I, Elizabeth, and up to my eyeballs in the English ways. Speaking of eyeballs, I've also resumed my intermittent eyelid tick. My right lower eyelid has been ticking and tremoring since Saturday, and I'm about ready to lose it! My big bro told me that tonic water with Quinine makes it go away. I tried it, yet I'm still twitchy-witchy. I must look all a-freak...with my dirty self, (no shower today! ) and eyelid tremor. Shall I milk it just for fun, and add an odd head twitch, spasm thing to it to complete the effect? It would, afterall, fully illustrate the craziness that's been going on inside my head! I queried my malady on WebMD, and discovered that they are usually stress related...greeaaaat. Got to love that! At any rate, this is AStinkmum, aka, Momma-Noided-Out, saying,
Have a good day, Stinx! (And, stay tuned for upcoming audio post!)

On the flipside of things, I am still fully immersed in the book, I, Elizabeth, and up to my eyeballs in the English ways. Speaking of eyeballs, I've also resumed my intermittent eyelid tick. My right lower eyelid has been ticking and tremoring since Saturday, and I'm about ready to lose it! My big bro told me that tonic water with Quinine makes it go away. I tried it, yet I'm still twitchy-witchy. I must look all a-freak...with my dirty self, (no shower today! ) and eyelid tremor. Shall I milk it just for fun, and add an odd head twitch, spasm thing to it to complete the effect? It would, afterall, fully illustrate the craziness that's been going on inside my head! I queried my malady on WebMD, and discovered that they are usually stress related...greeaaaat. Got to love that! At any rate, this is AStinkmum, aka, Momma-Noided-Out, saying,
Have a good day, Stinx! (And, stay tuned for upcoming audio post!)
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