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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I, Stinknerd

I think I may have blogged in the past about having a thing for period English movies and books("Sense and Sensibility", Shakespeare, etc)...I can't remember though...No matter. The other evening I was flipping channels, and stumbled upon HBO's "Elizabeth I" was late at night, I was tired, yet...I could not stop watching. I had actually picked up the book, "I, Elizabeth" the other day, so it kind of goes against my "read the book before seeing the movie" ideals, but hey, it's history, not pure fiction, and I already knew the story, so, eh, whatever! So there I was, watching the show...and I was half an hour into it when I realized that I was sitting in the bed bolt upright with the remote still in my hand. It was so good! I couldn't help but laugh at my sheer dorkiness...I had caught myself just a few weeks ago doing nearly almost the same thing while watching a small piece on the Beastie Boys on Fuse's, Influenc'd. I wasn't sitting bolt upright, but realized at some point during the program that I had been open-mouthed smiling at the television for Lord only knows how long. DORKUS AMONGUS!! It's pretty bad when you consciously have to snap your mouth shut...Sigh...English period pieces and the Beastie Boys...I am one strange bird...I mean...nerd.

Oh! Here's another thing I have taken to doing lately...I am very embarrassed to tell you that more than once in the past few weeks, I have been in the car driving along, reached for the radio, and realized that my hair was shut in the door...

I think I need a vacation...


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